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Drone Mapping near Lake Albert, Uganda

Luke Wijnberg

3DroneMapping was recently invited to map a newly constructed waste disposal site in Western Uganda, near the shores of Lake Albert. This area is soon to be developed into a major oil drilling location with many proposals out for mining operations. having suitable waste disposal sites is very important environmentally to safely treat all contaminated materials from the mining process.

The site extends 100ha and ground control was placed in relation to existing survey systems. Our fixed wing drone was deployed at a suitable height to ensure 70% overlap coverage for the entire site. Orthophotos and contours where then extracted from the resulting 3d model and delivered to the client.

It is expected with the new oil boom happening in the area that drones will become more common place in the area for mapping. The portability, quick turnover and affordability of this technology is perfectly suited to this industry.



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